Saturday, November 27, 2010

Project 6 - The End of Magic

There was once magic in the world. A bountiful and unending supply. Humans and animals a like reached into the pool and performed great feats. It was the dragons who taught the humans in those days. Those who wished to dabble in the arts sought out the last traces of our kind that rested in the mountainsides, under riverbeds, and lakes. It was until there was a tradgedy, that slowly the whisps of magic began to fade away. Dragons were hunted down and killed for our body's magical properties. Alchemists and sorcerers... our brothers and sisters, who had once stood by our side, now turned against us. The dragoness, Ishalta, rose up against the armies of men to fight for dragonkyn and kaiyn. However, one man by the name of Gregoren, slipped into her cave and stole an egg from her clutch. Wrought with anger and despair, Ishalta sacrificed the rest of her own brood to seal the gates between Thaer and Earth so that both may only touch each other through Ohm, the rift of the planes. It was then that the magic of the world began to fade. With every use, the Earth's magical supply would slip away, no longer able to create more. Ishalta and many others were trapped on Earth, serving out their long years to watch the world spin into chaos.
--Excerpt from The Awakening by Elissa Clare

I thought I'd roam through my archive of written literature in order to draw a landscape from one of my worlds. I stumbled upon this little excerpt and just knew I had to bring it to life. Originally I was going to have a whole illustration of all the different parts of the story, but I decided that the battle between an army of humans and Ishalta would suffice.

In my book series, Ishalta was one of the most renown sorceresses in both Thaer and Earth. Many magical users, human, dragon, and animal, would come to her for her knowledge. She was purple and instead of blowing fire, she preferred (if provoked) to conjure beams of energy in her palm and use it to destroy her foes. Many dragons of my series actually didn't blow fire but attacked in this manner. However, it was difficult for humans to tell the difference since dragons usually shot their beams of energy near their heads.

Vintage Grunge Textures © `Princess-of-Shadows
Used Pillbox Opaque Font

All Characters, story, etc. © Me

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